
2015 年 12 月 18 日 金曜日
Check out the latest and hottest NBA jerseys available at the official NBA Store. Whether you’re looking for your favorite team’s jersey, your favorite NBA player’s jersey, we are your trusted source for all NBA jerseys. From Swingman jerseys to replicas, you can find your next basketball jersey in our large inventory. For long-time fans of the game or those who simply enjoy a team’s retro logos and colors, we have retro jerseys from across the league. These jerseys swap today’s ultra-modern logos for the look and feel of jerseys made in the 1990s and earlier. With timeless logos and even some retro player names or numbers, these jerseys are as in-demand as they are collectible. Commemoration jerseys for recent NBA Finals appearances are a great purchase for fans of the NBA’s best teams. These jerseys swap team colors and officially licensed logos for NBA Finals branding, championship information, and team-specific championship logos. These jerseys are a must-have item for fans of championship teams, since they’re produced in limited quantities and they’re almost always deemed a cheap jerseys collectible item shortly after their numbers run out. Fathead also expanded into a line of NFL furniture. You can find leather NFL Fathead chairs and recliners in several different styles. Every team has these available, and you can find some with cup holders and other amenities as well. Some are entirely black with the team logo on them, and others have colored panels showcasing the color of the team as well. Stores will move to dispose off china wholesale jerseys the merchandise immediately the season closes. cheap jerseys from china Shopping in various stores during this period is likely to yield favorable discounts. Shopping from team cheap jerseys stores can save you a lot of money on discounts. Team stores feature huge discounts on every item they sell. One can also go for a replica https://www.innathydepark.com/cheap-jerseys-free-shipping.html which usually goes at cheap authentic nfl jerseysa cheaper price than the premium. The replica also enjoys better discounts especially when purchased from fan shops. Related Articles:
2015 年 12 月 14 日 月曜日
DSCF3838  DSCF3836高野豆腐の卵とじ、ツナと大根のサラダ、リンゴ。 おやつは、黒ごまマフィンと牛乳です。 今日のおやつ、黒ごまマフィンには、生地に豆腐が入り、ふんわりと焼き上がりました。 黒ごまの風味も良く、栄養もしっかり摂れるおやつです。
2015 年 12 月 9 日 水曜日
DSCF3834 DSCF3832  カルシウムオムレツ、五目納豆、バナナ。おやつは、やせうまと牛乳です。 保育園のメニューの中でも、人気の五目納豆。今日は、たくあんのシャキシャキした食感と味が加わり、 他の食材とのハーモニーが、楽しいおかずです。
2015 年 12 月 7 日 月曜日



 鰤の甘酢あんかけ、ひじき煮、リンゴ。おやつは、ハムチーズサンドと牛乳です。 保育園では一週間に一回、魚が主菜のメニューを出しています。 魚アレルギーの園児には、鶏肉などで対応をしています。 甘酢あんかけは、白身魚や鶏肉、豆腐にも合うメニューです。
2015 年 12 月 3 日 木曜日
DSCF3824 DSCF3825  冬野菜シチュー、ブロッコリーサラダ、リンゴ。おやつは、五平もちと麦茶です。 少しづつ寒さが増してきましたが、冬野菜がおいしい季節になりました。 大根や白菜など、冬野菜がつまったシチューで身体の中から温まり、 子どもたちに元気いっぱい冬を過ごしてほしいと思います。
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